Introducing: Home-grown "desert" bananas
Have you ever contemplated trying to grow bananas in Arizona? If you are like us, your initial response will be "they won't grow; we are living in the desert for goodness sakes.” But we did take on the challenge and are proud to say, they most certainly do grow!
With suitable sun exposure, enough water, and protection from the wind, banana plants can grow and thrive in our desert conditions. With just a little effort on your part, you can grow a productive and beautiful environment for your banana plants to develop and mature.
Following the "Organic Principal" (foregoing synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides) you will achieve what loyal "green" devotees are always hoping to accomplish: a natural, earth-friendly balance and harmony in a healthy garden.
There are many different varieties of banana plants to choose from. Most are an important crop in tropical climates — Southeast Asia, South America and the Hawaiian Islands, to name a few. In Arizona and the desert southwest, the banana plant is grown to a large degree as ornamental foliage so that a tropical environment is the end result achieved. Fruits that evolve from the care and nurture of those plants, will be the favorable prize. The plants that will work well in our desert atmosphere, we will cover in this website and tell you how to plant and care for them. With this knowledge, hopefully you will be encouraged to raise your own.
After viewing our website, please take a few moments of your time to give us your feedback. We will do our best to answer any questions you may have about growing your own bananas, in Arizona or wherever you call home!
Copyright © 2010
Last updated on
May 14, 2010